Sunday, March 11, 2007

"Shut Up and Sing"

Ryan and I have always loved the Dixie Chicks. We went to their concert in Calgary in November 06. We love their music, Natalie's voice is addicting and they are just sooo funky and REAL. We rented their new documentary "Shut Up and Sing" on Friday night. It evoked alot of strong feelings and thoughts regarding to the concept of "Democracy". If you don't remember what happened in 2003 when Natalie Maines made a joke at a London concert about Bush being from Texas, all you have to do is Google it and you will find a plethora of info regarding her "alleged crime". I find it despicable with respect to the way the media, american country music and SOME of the american public treated them after her comment. Their music was banned from many country radio stations, there were organized cd burnings/dumpings, one hick even brought his John Deer in and ran over a bunch of their CD's. A death threat was made against Natalie and list goes on and on..... The irony in all of this is the idea of democracy and freedom of speech that America professes to stand for. Isn't that what thousands are dying for in Iraq?? This concept of Democracy.......hmmmmm...... Oh I could really rant but I won't........not now anyway, just go out and rent or buy this enlightening documentary... Once again, I am so content to be living right where I am!

1 comment:

Laura Leavitt said...

I really like their music. I always think of you when the Dixie Chicks are ever mentioned.