Monday, March 05, 2007

And so the list continues...rounding the bend

71.Right after highschool- I think july 96, my dad and I rode our bikes from Raymond to Writing on Stone. I think it was at least 100 km, it took like 7-8 hours and it was super hot. My butt was killing at the end of the day.

72.I don't do casseroles.

73.I have this one frined, Dawn Rienguette, who use to live in Magrath until Grade 8. I have totally lost contact with her. Last I know she moved to Sudbury, Ontario. I have been trying to find her and I can't seem to. It is really bugging me. Anyone know where she is???

74. I use to go with my Grandpa Mark( he was a doctor) to the Hutterite colonies sometimes on house calls. They would often invite us to stay for dinner. The women/men and children would all eat at diff tables. I use to be scared that my grandpa would leave me there. I even had dreams of getting left at the hutterite colony. (I know this sounds culturally insensitive, I was very young).

75. The elliptical is my preferred choice of exercise at SPA LADY.

76. I raged at Maci yesterday for colouring all over her $400, hand made wooden doll house with a BLACK permanent marker. I couldn't even talk to her for about 1/2 hour after.

77. I feel like I am too impatient with Maci. I really need to work on it more.

78.I have always wanted 4 kids but now I am leaning more toward 3, who knows though...If you would have asked me a few months ago, I would have said NEVER AGAIN( COHEN TRAUMA)

79.I was sooo relieved when Ryan came home yesterday, 3 days solo with kids and I have a new found respect for single parents!!!

80.I love Anne of Green Gables and would love to go to PEI one day.


Kristy said...

Yeah, I know all about the permanent marker business. Sam once got loose at my mother-in-laws house with a black sharpie. I would suggest trying Mr. Clean magic eraser. It might take some of the sheen off, but that is better than the marker!!

TinaLaRae said...

It's funny how I find so many things in common with others. I will finish my list up as soon as I have an hour to spare, just keep checking in.

Laura Leavitt said...

I love Anne of Green Gables too and the elyptical is my fav too. WE do love to watch 24 but we are always a season behind becuase we can not stand to watch it one episode at a time. When we buy the season that is on now I will look for your friend. That is so cool that she is on 24. We just finished watching the season 1 box set of Prison Break. I love TV box sets.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meghann,

Had a chance to read your blog. Provided some great insight. Good chance I might recognize you at the airport.
A piece of trivia... In the movie, Ann of Green Gables, the scene on the millpond was shot at my wife's uncle's home in Stouffvile Ontario.

See you tomorrow.

Gary Leiskau