Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Almost Done

80. I was a camp counsellor the summer of 2000 in Wayne County, Pennsylvania. I lived in a one room cabin with twelve 12 year old wealthy jewish girls from NYC and Jersey. Let's just say I was glad when it was over. Camp was TWO months long.

81. My highschool girls basketball team won provincials in Gr.11 We beat Bert Church(Airdrie)

82. I love shopping.

83. I love MEXX( the store) I just bought a dress suit for Ryan's Grad today and am in love with it!!

84. My favorite white fish( to eat) is Tilapia. I am making it tonight. YUM!!

85.I have been craving hot dogs lately, I had them for lunch yesterday and today. GROSS!!!

86. I am counting down the minutes till we are not"students"anymore although Ryan is already talking about doing a Masters Degree( in law). UGHH

I need to run, I can hear Cohen getting attacked in his crib( Maci is the aggressor).....

1 comment:

Kristy said...

I like shopping too, but I would rather shop when I have $$ to spend - which, at this stage in life, is not that often!!