Friday, March 09, 2007

The final 10!!!

91. I love it when Maci asks for me to kiss her bumps and ouchies better and somehow magically they are better(in her eyes).

92. I played on a girls hockey team in Gr 6. We had to play boys though cause there were no other girls teams.

93. I have read all the "Little House on The Prairie" series( when I was quite young) and use to day dream I was Laura Ingalls.( My brother, Chaim reminded me of this one)

94. I kept a journal faithfully from 13 years old till I got married, now I write maybe twice a year, that is one of the reasons I am blogging.

95. My hands are sooo dry that they have been cracking and bleeding. It is partly the dry edmonton air and the fact that I was my hands probably 20 times a day.

96. I still struggle with the fact that one of my best childhood guy friends has passed away. My friend, Jess Zobell, from Welling was killed in a car accident only 3 months after he was married in 2001. I use to be really angry about it, not understanding how the world is filled with so many people that are"less than desirable" and one like Jess is taken away now I just feel really sad when I think about it.

97. George Bush REALLY gets on my nerves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

98. I love Ryan

99. I love Maci and Cohen

100. I am happy with the choices I have made in my life thus far and would have it no other way


Laura Leavitt said...

your so cool Meg. It was fun reading your list. Chantel is excited to see Maci tommorow and Ellas b-day.

Laura Leavitt said...

I forgot I was going to say- my hands get soooo dry too. It bugs the heck out of me. I wash them a million times a day too.

Unknown said...

Maci is preaty pumped for the party too.She has been on a how many sleeps countdown all week!!

TinaLaRae said...

You've made it to the 100 club. Keep it up!