Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The blogging slacker resurfaces

SO here I am again, in front of this cyber stranger, my own blog. Yes I am the first to admit I am one of the most fickle, fair weathered bloggers around. I just can't seem to get my act together when it comes to blogging......sigh..... Anyways, so now we are settled in our new place in Calgary, New Brighton is our community in the far south east. We are quite content here for now. There is a splash park one block from our home and lots of parks around every corner so the kids are entertained with minimal effort by me=). Ryan is busy as usual and we are lucky when he is home for dinner, about once every 2 weeks or so. I was prepeared for this so it comes as no suprize.He is now a real lawyer, no more school. He had his bar call in Ontario on June 19th. YEAH!!! Big pat on the back for both of us, I have no problem taking credit along with him for getting through law school. Most important change in our lives was the birth of my perfect, beautiful, healthy baby boy, Seth Ryan Clements. He was born on April 25th. He was 8pds 10 oz. and 21 inches. He was born in Oakville ON, a month before we moved out here. The birth was a C section(Ontario doesn't like to do a VBAC if it has been under 2 years since your last C section) so alas he was a section. I had a rare side effect to the spinal block, called a high spinal. Which basically froze everything from my toes to my eyelids including the nerves surrounding my lungs. So to make a long story short, I began to asphyxiate, they had to quickly intubate me and knock me out(GA) , so one moment I was sure I was dying and the next I woke up to see the most beautiful sight of all, Ryan holding our healthy little boy. There is a bit more to this story but it is quite personal and I don't feel like putting out there into cyber world. The kids have adjusted well to the move and we have met lots of friends already through church and our community. Maci is starting kindergarden at a french immersion school this fall and will be taking the bus every afternoon. Since Ontario starts kids at 4 for JK , she is technically doing Kindergarten for the 2nd time. We tossed around the idea of bumping her up into 1st grade b/c she is reading up a storm and writing full sentences but she would have been so young so we decided to put her in French. That way she will have a bit of an acedemic challenge and still be with her peers that are the same age as her. Cohen is TWO, need I say more. My days are filled with lots of strong willed little battles with him. Ryan and I call him our precious little Neanderthal as some of his tendencies seem to be almost barbaric at times. Don't get me wrong, he is the source of much entertainment in our home, his talking is getting better everyday. Infact today he learned to say Hannah Montana, which just made Maci's day. He is obsessed with the letters and alphabets and can almost do the whole alphabet in the right order(almost). Seth is perfect in every way, except his sleeping from the hours of 12 am -7 am stinks but oh well, sleep is overated. He came out with this great full head of hair and it just keeps growing. The biggest suprise was the his hair is auburn but getting redder by the day!!!!! He has these peircing blue eyes and is such a content little guy.I am really enjoying him and lots of cuddle time. I am home with kids right now but come fall I will be starting some contract work with an Adoptions Agency. I will be interviewing families who want to adopt kids from Children's Services and then taking the content of my interviews and composing an extremely long assessment which will contain the content of the interviews and my own recommendations if the family should or should not be considered for adoption. I will be able to do all the writing from home and can decide how much work I want to take on. It is important for me to keep up with the social work profession and this is a perfect way for me to be home with the kids while they are so little and still keep my foot in the professional door,so to speak. All in all, life is good. We are happy with our decision to move back to Alberta and are quite content to settle down and call Calgary home. I really will try harder to update this thing but that is all I can commit to for now=) The pics are just a random assortment from the last few months, the one or Ryan is a pic I took off his firms website.