Thursday, March 29, 2007

Remembering Grandpa Mark- 10 years later....

My Grandpa Mark Dahl passed away on March 29, 1997-ten years ago today. I wanted to write something special about my Grandpa. I have so many vivid memories of him, they have not faded with time.

I was 18 years old when he passed away. He was only 74. We lost him because of a rare form of cancer had developed in his lungs. He flew airplanes in World War 2. He was a pilot and flew a Lancaster Bomber. These planes were lined with Asbestos and he inhaled it. The asbestos lay dormant in his lungs for almost 50 years and then turned into lung cancer. I can't remember the technical name of this cancer but apparently other veterans have also lost their lives with the same form of cancer- still a causality of war so many years later.

Anyway at 18 years,I was "young and confused" in so many ways, I had so few constants at that time of my life that losing Grandpa was really rough- he being such a "rock" for me. He was always around for us.

Don't get me wrong, he was a very busy man. He was a doctor in Magrath for 45 years. An article in the Lethbridge Herald referred to him as," a quintessential country doctor, a Marcus-Welby-type physician who typified the traditional country doctor".I knew that I could find Grandpa in obvious places like the Magrath and then the Dahl Clinic or the Hospital,on a house call or out to one of the hutterite colonies( often Rockport or Old Elm- I had the chance to accompany him on numerous colony visits). If he wasn't at work then it was a pretty safe bet I could find him at home, downstairs sitting at the end of that little orange couch with the coloured Afghan on it. He was either watching the news or Star Trek or snoozing away. If it was nice out, there was a good chance he would be on his ride-on mower in his yard or in one of his kids yards( either my dad's, Allan's or Dennis's). If he was in the kitchen, he was always sitting at the end of the kitchen table with his back to the fridge .He might have been eating or reading the paper but there was ALWAYS a bright red can of coke in front of him,(compliments of that old white freezer in their garage with the never ending supply of coke and sometimes chocolate bars.).

Other vivid memories of grandpa are as follows:

Suspenders, briefcases with RMD on them,nice leather coats, walking sticks, chocolate malts in Cardston, doctors bag, the spontaneous coyote call he made with his hands and mouth, watching basketball games, going to movies , collection of sports illustrated, rocks- he loved rocks, dairy queen treats, going out to eat, at grandma days he would say" are your eyes bigger than your stomach", picture books of bomber planes from previous wars, waterton, hiking bears hump and hearing his infamous coyote call somewhere along the trail and for sure at the top, his black framed old person bike, (the one that came in a matching set with grandma's), his named stamped into all his books, oh I could go on..........

Grandpa was an example of selflessness. He had such a humble and quiet way about him as daily served his family, his patients and the community. I learned a few things about Grandpa (from people seeking me out to tell me stories of him after he had passed). I learned that Grandpa was known to drive into Lethbridge(from Magrath) in the middle of the night after receiving a phone call from an intoxicated person to drive them safely home. On the day he died, we were all at his house looking at pictures and grieving together. The doorbell rang and an older Native women was standing on the door step. She told me that she had just driven all the way from the reserve because she had a bad feeling about"Dr. Mark" and needed to know if he was ok. I told her that we lost him that morning and she just stood on the steps and wept.

I also remember a time when I was doing my practicum on the Blood Reserve( for my social work degree). I was participating in a community march through the town of Standoff( Family Violence Awareness). I was walking with a Native women and we were just making idle chit chat. She found out I was a Dahl from Magrath, and that Dr. Mark was my grandfather.She began to cry and then proceeded to tell me how much she loved him and how difficult it was for her to find another doctor after he passed, she then decided that she needed to tell everyone around who I was related to. For the rest of that march people kept coming to tell me more and more stories about Grandpa. That women from the march always came and gave me a hug and was sooo kind every time she saw me after that day.

Some of you may remember the beautiful German song that dozens of Hutterite women stood up and sang in the middle of the funeral. I also remember the funeral director telling us that this was the biggest funeral they had ever done.The lines wrapped around the entire stake center (during the viewing) and the chapel and gym were filled to the back. I was also told that the year that Grandpa died, there was more than one little hutterite boy named Mark after him.

My little boy is also named after him.

I love my Grandpa, I think about him often and love to tell my kids stories about him. Maci says that she knows she met him in Heaven and laughs when she hears stories of him eating worms and making coyote calls. I miss him everyday. I love you Grandpa Mark-

love Meghann

Please feel free to post in the comments section any thoughts , feelings and memories you have about Grandpa Mark . Also pass on this link to anyone else you may have want to share in this tribute. I want to send this to Grandma Helen .

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Best Friends-Maci and Ella

So I just wanted to share some sweet little pictures of my Maci and her best friend, Ella. Maci and Ella have been friends for a few years now and Maci just adores her. She loves playing with her and is always wanting to call her and often asks what I think Ella is doing at any given moment.Here are some pics of their latest play date, they made binoculars out of toilet paper rolls and went outside to go "bird watching".

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mcfamous!!!!Click on Mcfamous

So what I am about to tell you is not a joke. My dad and step mom(Lesley) can be seen on Mcdonald's bag's and cups all over the world starting this month. I will attach an article from the Calgary Sun so that you an hear the story from Lesley. She tells it better than I.

Say cheese! The new face of McDonalds Story about love of hiking put couple's photo on chain's cups and bags Calgary HeraldPublished: Friday, March 16, 2007 MAGRATH - When Lesley Dahl sat down at her computer last April, she was just looking for information about global warming. Now she and her husband are part of a global marketing campaign, and their faces can be seen on McDonald's cups and bags all over the world. Their journey into the fast-food nation began when Dahl, who lives in Magrath, did a computer search and came across a website for the McDonald's Global Casting Call. Email to a friendPrinter friendly Font: * * * * "There were a lot of features of people and their passions all over the world, and I thought, 'Hey, I wouldn't mind writing about ours,' so I did," says Dahl, 55. Restricted to 100 words or less, Dahl submitted a story about herself and her husband, and their love for hiking. Months passed, and Dahl was contacted by McDonald's, informing her that she and 23 other people from around the world had been selected out of more than 13,000 entrants to become the new faces of the restaurant chain's "I'm lovin' it" campaign. Lesley and her husband, DeVar, were in Chicago this week for the unveiling of their packaging. "It's hard to imagine it, really," says Dahl. "Initially, I just wanted to get our kids and grandkids to see it, and they were so excited. But in Chicago it was quite amazing to be in the restaurant where people actually had our bags on their tables, and were walking out the door with us. It was quite a shock." The new cups and bags will be available at McDonald's beginning this month and throughout the year. The Dahls were the only Canadians selected in the Global Casting Call.

See I am not kidding around. Maci thinks it is hilarious that her grandparents are on the bags. She wants to go everyday to try to see we can get their bag.They went to London last summer for a week and did the photo shoot there. They were wined and dined by Mc D's the entire week.

So if any of you are doing some high class dining, check your bags and cups and see if you see two people sitting on the side of a mountain. Lesley's global casting # is #9.

Look in the link for this blog and you can see a collage of pics from their Chicago trip

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Black Gold Rec Center( Leduc)

Last night we took the kids to Blackgold Rec Center in Leduc. The kids pools were amazing and so much fun. Maci was in heaven and Cohen was amused and intrigued by the water. It was his first time swimming. Then we went to dinner at a friends house with another couple where they BBQ'd(no it is not really warm here but Graham was willing to stand out in the cold. The steaks turned out great). . We had a great time and it made me realize how much I love our friends and how I am going to miss that part of our life soooo much here. Anyway, here are some pics from swimming.(Cohen didn't swim in his PJ's. I just changed him first and then I took the pics).

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Mission Completed

I am writing to y'all from the Marriott at Eaton's Center in downtown Toronto. It is a beautiful hotel attached to one of the biggest mall's in Toronto.

So I arrived in Oakville on Wed evening. My realtor took me out for dinner and then on Thursday morning we began the house hunt. I saw a few places I liked and some that I didn't and some really nice brand new town homes but they were surrounded with dirt and mud as lawns had not been planted yet and weren't going to be for quite some time, not to mention construction people everywhere , so anyway in the afternoon I had about 2 I was waffling between when Garry(the realtor) said "let's go back to my office and see if there are any new listings" so we did and that is when we found the house we have now rented. We are renting for the first little while (lease is a year)while we get settled in Oakville and learn the areas. We will then buy within the year.

I do love Oakville, it is a gorgeous little city and so much shopping and 1/2 hour drive to downtown Toronto.It is on the shore of lake Ontario and even has a lighthouse. There are tons of trails, ravines and parks too.

I also got Maci registered in junior kindergarten. I love the school. She has a science, drama and art room. The school is built around a Reggio philosophy-the thought being that kids are treated as individuals-for example-each kid brings a snack to school but they get to choose when they want to eat it. There is no"snack time" allotted. Also only a few kids will go on a field trip at a time, depending on the child's specific interest. For example, why would a kid go to a circus field trip if they were scared of clowns. I am so impressed with her school. They also have a pet guinea pig that the kids get to take turns taking home each weekend to take care of it.

Anyway,now that I found a place we are in Toronto all weekend to shop and play(my mom and I).

Here are pics of the house.

Sorry for the repeats I can't figure out how to delete the pics without deleting the whole post???

I love the toy room/family room-that is a fully finished basement. It even has a cold room in it.

Another cool thing is that the island in the kitchen is portable. I forgot to take pics of the bedrooms but there are four upstairs and the master bedroom is huge!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Off to Oakville

So I am flying to Toronto tomorrow morning. My realtor is meeting me at Pearson airport and taking me to Oakville and I will then begin the house hunt. Since I am only there for two days( the weekend, my mom and I are staying in Toronto) I have to find a place in such a short time, I also have to tour Maci's prospective preschool as well. I am excited to see the town and have a glimpse of what our new world is going to involve. Ryan's mom has come up to help with the kids while he is in school. She will be here till friday night but he will be solo with the kids friday night to sunday night( hehehe....whoops did I type that...shhhh!) It will be a great experience for him a and I know he will do just fine. I will take my camera and takes some pics of our place(when we find it). Meghann

Monday, March 12, 2007

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

So tonight I went out with some of my favorite girlfriends, we all met and worked together at the North Central Office for Children's Services. We have known each other for a 5 years and have stayed quite close. We try to go out to eat on a regular basis but hadn't done so for a while.It was fabulous to spend 3 hours chatting our hearts out. we first went to a yummy Thai restraunt and then to Joey Tomatoes for desert. Here are some pics

The Grand Explosion and a father's love...........

So this evening was just a regular night in our home, I was upstairs getting ready to go on a "girls night out" with some of my closest friends from work when I heard Ryan yelling desperately for help in the kitchen. I come flying down the stairs to meet Ryan and Cohen on their way up, both of them covered in one of Cohen's finest masterpieces from the diaper. We only had a few split seconds to think and so Ryan thought it would be easiest to keep the mess contained to the tub so we dumped Cohen in and then Ryan realized he might as well join the poop party as he was already covered in it. I think I fell in love with Ryan a little more tonight as I saw him sitting with Cohen in poopy nasty water trying to deal with the mess. I was on my way out the door and not wanting to get dirty, left this one up to him....Here are some pics of the special father/son bonding...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

"Shut Up and Sing"

Ryan and I have always loved the Dixie Chicks. We went to their concert in Calgary in November 06. We love their music, Natalie's voice is addicting and they are just sooo funky and REAL. We rented their new documentary "Shut Up and Sing" on Friday night. It evoked alot of strong feelings and thoughts regarding to the concept of "Democracy". If you don't remember what happened in 2003 when Natalie Maines made a joke at a London concert about Bush being from Texas, all you have to do is Google it and you will find a plethora of info regarding her "alleged crime". I find it despicable with respect to the way the media, american country music and SOME of the american public treated them after her comment. Their music was banned from many country radio stations, there were organized cd burnings/dumpings, one hick even brought his John Deer in and ran over a bunch of their CD's. A death threat was made against Natalie and list goes on and on..... The irony in all of this is the idea of democracy and freedom of speech that America professes to stand for. Isn't that what thousands are dying for in Iraq?? This concept of Democracy.......hmmmmm...... Oh I could really rant but I won't........not now anyway, just go out and rent or buy this enlightening documentary... Once again, I am so content to be living right where I am!

Maci In RED is Sassing me!!!!

We did these pics yesterday when we were just messing around. It made me think of the song" Lady in Red" by Chris De Burgh.... These pics are actually a true reflection of her little personality. She is soo incredibly sassy, spunky, assertive and adorable all in one....I love her sooo

Ryan's Law School Grad Banquet

SO we had a lovely evening at the Crowne Plaza last night. The food was fabulous and the company was wonderful. Ryan looked really hot and I got to meet alot of Ryan's friend's and profs:people that played such a huge part of his whole law experience. My feet are still recovering from my heels that I wore, now I know why I only dress like that once a year or sooo........ Now we are just adjusting to the hour we lost...... Here are some pictures of Ryan and myself, Ryan and I and his parents, and Ryan his close friend Nitin Bhatia.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Law School Prep

So Maci basically worships her dad and he has her thinking she is going to be a lawyer so here is some pics of some early prep work. She looks like she is taking it preaty serious eh!!

Just an Update

I have been so caught up with my 100 list that I haven't done just a regular update lately. So tonight is Ryan's grad banquet at the Crowns Plaza Hotel. There is a really yummy/fancy banquet,speeches etc and then tomorrow there is a brunch at the law school.It is quite a fancy event and we are excited as it actually makes it feel way more real that our lives as we know it( STUDENTS) is rapidly coming to an end. YEAH!!!!!!!I will post pics from the event tomorrow.

Other than that, life is pretty regular. Maci is off to one her best little friend, Ella Walters birthday today, she has been counting down her sleeps all week. Cohen is just doing his regular little 9 month old things. It is so fun to watch his discover sounds and cause and affect. His new thing is to sit in his high chair and we give him a spatula and a little kid bowl and he"plays hockey "with it. He loves to bang things really loud too. He is yet to figure out the crawling thing but it rolling all over and as a result,gets himself stuck in odd little places. He has also discovered his lips and loves to suck them and make smacking sounds.

I still haven't done any packing yet, we did buy packing tape so that is a step. I am off to Toronto/Oakville on Wednesday for 4 days to meet my mom and hopefully find a place and get Maci registered in school. They take the "junior kindergarten" a little more serious out there. The one she will be going to is the best location wise to the neighbourhood we will be living in. Her school is called Forest Grove Institute of Arts and Technology. It makes us feel like we need to send her to school with a lap top. I was a little surprised when i heard that for 3 days a week( 2.5 hours/day) it would cost $300/month. GULP!!! I heard it was a bit pricey in Oakville as it is quite a affluent community but I wasn't expecting that.

Anyway, that is all for now. Here are some pics of the kids I took yesterday. I love my little guy's curls and Maci has been so into letters and writing so she wanted to show how she could write her name.

Friday, March 09, 2007

One more thing....

Throughout my 100 list I didn't really mention Ryan's family and the huge part they play in our lives. I love my in-laws and all of Ryan's bro's ,sister and their spouses. They are so good to us. Here is a picture that was taken in October 2006

The final 10!!!

91. I love it when Maci asks for me to kiss her bumps and ouchies better and somehow magically they are better(in her eyes).

92. I played on a girls hockey team in Gr 6. We had to play boys though cause there were no other girls teams.

93. I have read all the "Little House on The Prairie" series( when I was quite young) and use to day dream I was Laura Ingalls.( My brother, Chaim reminded me of this one)

94. I kept a journal faithfully from 13 years old till I got married, now I write maybe twice a year, that is one of the reasons I am blogging.

95. My hands are sooo dry that they have been cracking and bleeding. It is partly the dry edmonton air and the fact that I was my hands probably 20 times a day.

96. I still struggle with the fact that one of my best childhood guy friends has passed away. My friend, Jess Zobell, from Welling was killed in a car accident only 3 months after he was married in 2001. I use to be really angry about it, not understanding how the world is filled with so many people that are"less than desirable" and one like Jess is taken away now I just feel really sad when I think about it.

97. George Bush REALLY gets on my nerves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

98. I love Ryan

99. I love Maci and Cohen

100. I am happy with the choices I have made in my life thus far and would have it no other way

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A few more

87. Ryan and I went to the Dominican Republic with my mom and Joe when I was pregnant with Maci.

88.I didn't get any stretch marks with Cohen until a few days before he was born.

89.The province of Quebec flew Cohen and I down on our own private Lear Jet from Montreal to Philadelphia.

90.Something is wrong with me, I just had another hotdog for breakfast!!! No I am not Pregnant.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Almost Done

80. I was a camp counsellor the summer of 2000 in Wayne County, Pennsylvania. I lived in a one room cabin with twelve 12 year old wealthy jewish girls from NYC and Jersey. Let's just say I was glad when it was over. Camp was TWO months long.

81. My highschool girls basketball team won provincials in Gr.11 We beat Bert Church(Airdrie)

82. I love shopping.

83. I love MEXX( the store) I just bought a dress suit for Ryan's Grad today and am in love with it!!

84. My favorite white fish( to eat) is Tilapia. I am making it tonight. YUM!!

85.I have been craving hot dogs lately, I had them for lunch yesterday and today. GROSS!!!

86. I am counting down the minutes till we are not"students"anymore although Ryan is already talking about doing a Masters Degree( in law). UGHH

I need to run, I can hear Cohen getting attacked in his crib( Maci is the aggressor).....

Monday, March 05, 2007

And so the list continues...rounding the bend

71.Right after highschool- I think july 96, my dad and I rode our bikes from Raymond to Writing on Stone. I think it was at least 100 km, it took like 7-8 hours and it was super hot. My butt was killing at the end of the day.

72.I don't do casseroles.

73.I have this one frined, Dawn Rienguette, who use to live in Magrath until Grade 8. I have totally lost contact with her. Last I know she moved to Sudbury, Ontario. I have been trying to find her and I can't seem to. It is really bugging me. Anyone know where she is???

74. I use to go with my Grandpa Mark( he was a doctor) to the Hutterite colonies sometimes on house calls. They would often invite us to stay for dinner. The women/men and children would all eat at diff tables. I use to be scared that my grandpa would leave me there. I even had dreams of getting left at the hutterite colony. (I know this sounds culturally insensitive, I was very young).

75. The elliptical is my preferred choice of exercise at SPA LADY.

76. I raged at Maci yesterday for colouring all over her $400, hand made wooden doll house with a BLACK permanent marker. I couldn't even talk to her for about 1/2 hour after.

77. I feel like I am too impatient with Maci. I really need to work on it more.

78.I have always wanted 4 kids but now I am leaning more toward 3, who knows though...If you would have asked me a few months ago, I would have said NEVER AGAIN( COHEN TRAUMA)

79.I was sooo relieved when Ryan came home yesterday, 3 days solo with kids and I have a new found respect for single parents!!!

80.I love Anne of Green Gables and would love to go to PEI one day.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

A few more on my list

60. I spent to month of July 1999 in Belgium/France and England.

61. Half of the month was spent in the middle of nowhere Belgium, at a volunteer work camp. 10 other volunteers and myself. I was the only one from the western hemisphere and native english speaker. We helped paint/renovate a home for mentally handicapped adults. The home was actually an old nun convent. It was really big and spooky. We had to sleep in a big army tent in the back yard right next to an old cemetery filled with dead nuns. I have a picture of me pretending to dig up a nun's grave. I know I am evil.

62. The other 1/2 of the month was spent visiting Friends in England and France.

63. I have spent one night on an American air force base in England. Will not get into that story

64. I had my ford explorer impounded at the Cut Bank, Montana border( american vehicle issue) and had to leave it in a random farmers field.

65.My cousin Lyndsi and I went to Queen Latifah's talk show taping in NYC.

66. My brother and I were on Kid Street( kids tv game show in the 80's) We lost.

67. I have camped outside in a line with one of my girlfriends at Penn state waiting for tickets to a Phish concert. ( I didn't even know who they were, I was just keeping her company)

68. In grade 10, I lived in Miami for 1 year. I played on the high school baaketball team. We sucked so bad that we lost one game 62-2. the 2 points were scored on fould shots!!!

69.My family lost their house in Hurricane Andrew in Miami in 1992. I luckily left back to Canada the day before on one of the last flights.

70. This march will be 10 years since my grandpa Mark Dahl died. I still think about him all the time and miss him. He use to make the coyote call with his hands that he would do when we were outside. I can still hear it clear as a bell when I think about it.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Over 1/2 way done the list!!!

We are off the Red Deer( me and the kids) to visit my good friend, Averley Vanorman. We met when we were doing our social work degrees and we have stayed Friends ever since.

52. I do most of the driving when Ryan and I are together.

53.I worship the DVD player that came with our mini van

54.I did one of my practicum's with Kainai Family Services in Standoff, AB( on the Blood Reserve) I loved it and enjoyed the experience of being the only non aboriginal person at the office.

55. Today is my mom's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! We love you.

56. I also did another practicum at St. Michael's Health Center/Palliative care. I became close with one dear old lady. I sat and held her hand and talked to her as she passed away. It was a very spiritual experience.

57. At my office now, I get nervous when I hear the Child Abuse Hotline ring( province wide 1 800 # people call to report child abuse) I always quickly hope it is not someone I know before I answer it. So far so good, although I have had some calls that come from southern AB.

58.When I was 5 we lived in Leeds England for a year, I came home with a very thick English accent.Obviously I have lost it. I remember my cousins teasing for calling sucker's "Lolli pop's'

59. I love making chocolate puffed wheat and then putting milk on it and eating it like cereal.

60.My voice and my sister's sound so much alike lot of people get us confused on the phone.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Even some more of the list( Picture is of the traffic circle at the Arc de Triomphe-see #44)

OH YA the sound of two sleeping babies..............Ryan is off in Couer d'Laine, Idaho pontificating with all the other law/academic nerds of the Americas over International Trade issues....So I have some me time, going to blog a bit and then going to snuggle up with my newest read"Vanishing Acts" by Jodi Picoult and my yummy Harvest Scent candle by Yankee Candles.

41. I love Cohen's super excited face and the way he puffs up his chest when I come in to get him up from a nap or in the morning. If only everyone could great me with such love and adoration....

42. I love it when Cohen strokes my chin or cheeks or neck with his chubby little hands while he his drinking his bottle.

43. One of the dumbest,most dangerous thing I ever did was climb the FACE of Bears Hump without any ropes or gear. I was with Ryan Alston, Tom Alston, Nathan Kearl and Jenny Williams( now Shockey). My hands start to sweat even thinking about it. We came home that night covered in tics! What was I thinking???Oh ya, I wasn't...

44. The other really dumb thing I did was with my bestest friend in the world, Danielle Rollingson( now Low). We were in Paris and we were trying to get to the Arc de Triomphe and there is a massive traffic circle/round about that surrounds it. We didn't know how else to get under the arc so we just grabbed hands and basically played chicken with all the crazy french drivers and darted in and out of traffic till we got to the middle.

45. I hate stinky kitchen dish rags!!!

46. I played on a Edmonton City League Basketball team for the first few years we moved here, not been able to work it around babies now.

47.I volunteer every Wed. morning at Maci's preschool. I love being able to see her in the classroom environment.

48. I miss Ryan right now.

49.The thought of packing my house in the next 2 months make me feel ill.

50.I really want to go to Rwanda, after reading about the Genocide in 1994, I am intrigued with the country and want to know more.

51. I love the design of the San Diego Temple

More of the List

Maci is at Arwen Sutherland house on a play date so I have a little more time to continue...

21.Ryan and I love Prison Break at 9pm on Monday night. It is our monday night bonding time.

22. I refuse to take the garbage out, it sicks me out to touch that dumpster. Ryan has resumed 100% responsibility( part of the reason I hate him being gone!!!! I know I sound like a priss

23.I love to READ!!!!!!!!I grew up with books being an essential part of our home, the majority of people (parents/siblings) in my family are teachers/professors so the love of learning has been a profound part of my upbringing.

24. SPA LADY IS MY HAVEN-NEED I SAY MORE. I don't think Ryan knows there is a SPA Kids there, hehehe my little secret...

25. I feel like I live in perpetual fear of Cohen's body- stems from health problems for first 3 months of his life. The dr's say he is fine, but I am still so paranoid about him!!!!

26. I am really nervous to leave my comfort zone, I love my world here, such awesome girlfriends, love our girls nights,play dates and on and on. Good things for blogs eh!!!.

27. I despise laundry and feel like it is always out to get me.... I can never stay on top of it and the first thing I am doing when Ryan is making real money is hiring a house keeper just to come over and do it for me....

28.I adore country music and have seen concerts by Alan Jackson, George Strait, Alabama, Clay Walker.....a few more too

29. I always thought I was preaty relaxed until a few weeks ago when I was helping Maci make her valentines for school . I had the HARDEST time letting her do them all, I wanted to straighten the stickers, and watching her write backwards letters and putting them in the wrong spot in name drove me nuts, I had to literally sit on my hands most of the time. WHAT AM I TURING IN TO!!!!!

30. I love our bed time routine with Maci, she is so calm and we have so many wonderful chats at this time of the day.

31. My favorite vacation was going to Greece with my mom, Joe and all my siblings in 1998.

32. I am a dog person( sorry to my brothers and their wives who are both cat people).

33. I love SIRIUS satellite radio, especially the love songs channel #3, Channel #62- Road House (old Country) and #103 Blue Collar Radio(basically white trash humour).

34. I studied French all through school and in France, I use to be a able to speak it well but am a little rusty now.

35. Some of my favorite childhood memories are summertime's at our Watertown cabin- skipping rocks at Watertown lake, hiking Bears Hump and climbimg around Red Rock Canyon, and waffle cones at the Big Scoop.

36. My dad and I hiked mount Vimmy a few summers in a row( after high school), I haven't done it since babies, seems like I was either preggo, or just had one or something, he still does it every summer though.

37.When I was in Gr 8, I snuck out with a bunch of friends in Magrath, broke into the swimming pool and stole some blue paint, we then painted on the school wall. I went to school the next day with paint on my hands and remember seeing the police there and keeping my hands in my pockets all day. We eventually got caught and i got my first criminal record, I had to do community service hours at the school with the janitors. Happy to report that was my first and last major offense and my record is now clean.

38. I also got a speeding ticket going 142 in a 100 zone. I did not have any pants on and told the police as soon as he came to the window not to look at me. You see, myself and some of my CRAZY Raymond girlfriends like Jamie Schmale, Amber Stone and Zoe Harker were in Lethbridge with my boyfriend at the time( Wade Walters) and some of his friends. I think Toby Wood was there. They dared us to jump into Henderson Lake and we did(in our clothes) Luckily Wade gave me his shirt but the rest of the girls were in their underwear all the way home. I am surprised the officer didn't think we were drinking we were so silly.

39. I love my new perfume I discovered. "Miracle Forever" by Lancome. Ryan loves it too!

40. I love flossing!!!!

List of 100 things about me( they will be coming in incraments)

So I have had enough of my blogger Friends ask me to do this list, I have been putting it of because of sheer laziness but one final push from Kristy has got me moving so here it goes....

1. My middle name is Loree- named after the doctor who delivered me's wife and funny enough, Kristy's grandmother in law( Loree Brewerton).

2. I have lived in 4 diff countries. U.S., Canada, France and England.

3.I love mushrooms!!!!!!!!

4. I hate birds, especially pigeons b/c when I was 5 I was in London, England at Trafalgar Square with my family and we were feeding the pigeons. I put a cup of seeds on my head and tons of those nasty creatures landed on my head and arms and tried o attack the cup on my head.Let's just say it did some emotional damage.

5. I can't sleep for more than 6 hours at a time, my body is all messed up b/c of Cohen's schedule. Even if he isn't waking up- I still do.

6.I have always disliked Billy Goats,they really get on my nerves,I think they are sooo ugly and wussy sounding.

7. I played the french horn in JH/HS.

8. I knew I was going to be a social worker in grade 11. I wrote it in my journal one day and then decided I needed to start training so I began volunteering at the Diamond Willow in Magrath( seniors home). I never wanted to be anything else.

9. I missed my University Graduation because I was on my honeymoon.

10. My passion was geriatrics(working with elderly in social work) but Child Welfare was the first job I could find and have stuck with it ever since. 6 years now!

11. I learned how to ride a unicycle in Gr 6 and even rode it in the Magrath parade, not sure I could do it now??

12. I was an exchange student in Besancon, France in 1998 for 5 months. I watched France win the world cup on a giant screen in the centre ville with my host sister and her friends. As we drove away, people were rocking our car so hard I thought we would tip. It was insane

13. I love my steaks medium rare ( on the rare side)

14. I worked at the Gap in lethbridge and State College , PA while I was in University at Penn State and U of L.

15. I sometimes get overwhelmed with the responsibilities of motherhood but couldn't picture my life any other way.

16. I love driving a mini van-thought I would never say that!!!

17. I hate it when Ryan is out of town- I know I have to get use to it!

18. Cohen is named after the last name of a character on the OC!!!

19. Maci is not named after the store.

20. I miss playing basketball on a team.

so I need to run as Cohen is having some kind of issue upstairs and Cohen has another Dr's appt. to get ready for, I will do some more later..........

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Pics of Hair Cut

So some of you have asked me to post some pics of of my new hair cut. I can't find my camera so had to use my cell phone, (shows how out of control my life is when I can't even find my camera)so the lighting and quality isn't great but I think you can get the idea.
Ryan is off to Idaho today.