Saturday, March 10, 2007

Just an Update

I have been so caught up with my 100 list that I haven't done just a regular update lately. So tonight is Ryan's grad banquet at the Crowns Plaza Hotel. There is a really yummy/fancy banquet,speeches etc and then tomorrow there is a brunch at the law school.It is quite a fancy event and we are excited as it actually makes it feel way more real that our lives as we know it( STUDENTS) is rapidly coming to an end. YEAH!!!!!!!I will post pics from the event tomorrow.

Other than that, life is pretty regular. Maci is off to one her best little friend, Ella Walters birthday today, she has been counting down her sleeps all week. Cohen is just doing his regular little 9 month old things. It is so fun to watch his discover sounds and cause and affect. His new thing is to sit in his high chair and we give him a spatula and a little kid bowl and he"plays hockey "with it. He loves to bang things really loud too. He is yet to figure out the crawling thing but it rolling all over and as a result,gets himself stuck in odd little places. He has also discovered his lips and loves to suck them and make smacking sounds.

I still haven't done any packing yet, we did buy packing tape so that is a step. I am off to Toronto/Oakville on Wednesday for 4 days to meet my mom and hopefully find a place and get Maci registered in school. They take the "junior kindergarten" a little more serious out there. The one she will be going to is the best location wise to the neighbourhood we will be living in. Her school is called Forest Grove Institute of Arts and Technology. It makes us feel like we need to send her to school with a lap top. I was a little surprised when i heard that for 3 days a week( 2.5 hours/day) it would cost $300/month. GULP!!! I heard it was a bit pricey in Oakville as it is quite a affluent community but I wasn't expecting that.

Anyway, that is all for now. Here are some pics of the kids I took yesterday. I love my little guy's curls and Maci has been so into letters and writing so she wanted to show how she could write her name.


Megan said...

Hey there guys,

Love this blogging stuff. I went on your dad's website Meghann and I want to go climb Vimmy as I have never climbed it before and it looks amazing! Congrats Ryan on grad.


Kristy said...

You are a blogging queen today. Love the update. Your kids are super cute!

Jenie said...

Those law school events are tons of fun. Its exciting to be nearing the end!

TinaLaRae said...

Have a fun weekend and Congrats to Ryan!