Friday, March 02, 2007

Even some more of the list( Picture is of the traffic circle at the Arc de Triomphe-see #44)

OH YA the sound of two sleeping babies..............Ryan is off in Couer d'Laine, Idaho pontificating with all the other law/academic nerds of the Americas over International Trade issues....So I have some me time, going to blog a bit and then going to snuggle up with my newest read"Vanishing Acts" by Jodi Picoult and my yummy Harvest Scent candle by Yankee Candles.

41. I love Cohen's super excited face and the way he puffs up his chest when I come in to get him up from a nap or in the morning. If only everyone could great me with such love and adoration....

42. I love it when Cohen strokes my chin or cheeks or neck with his chubby little hands while he his drinking his bottle.

43. One of the dumbest,most dangerous thing I ever did was climb the FACE of Bears Hump without any ropes or gear. I was with Ryan Alston, Tom Alston, Nathan Kearl and Jenny Williams( now Shockey). My hands start to sweat even thinking about it. We came home that night covered in tics! What was I thinking???Oh ya, I wasn't...

44. The other really dumb thing I did was with my bestest friend in the world, Danielle Rollingson( now Low). We were in Paris and we were trying to get to the Arc de Triomphe and there is a massive traffic circle/round about that surrounds it. We didn't know how else to get under the arc so we just grabbed hands and basically played chicken with all the crazy french drivers and darted in and out of traffic till we got to the middle.

45. I hate stinky kitchen dish rags!!!

46. I played on a Edmonton City League Basketball team for the first few years we moved here, not been able to work it around babies now.

47.I volunteer every Wed. morning at Maci's preschool. I love being able to see her in the classroom environment.

48. I miss Ryan right now.

49.The thought of packing my house in the next 2 months make me feel ill.

50.I really want to go to Rwanda, after reading about the Genocide in 1994, I am intrigued with the country and want to know more.

51. I love the design of the San Diego Temple

1 comment:

Kristy said...

I got ticks in Waterton too. As I have serious issues with bugs it was a very unpleasant experience. I am glad you survived the climb though. You are brave to want to go to Rwanda. Honestly, Africa scares me. Hope you enjoyed your book!!