Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Maci's Ultimate Revenge.

Ok so today I was in the bathroom and I look down at the garbage can to see one of my nice black shoes in the garbage can. Immediately I call Maci over to the room and ask her why she threw my shoe in the garbage. The conversation goes -Mom: Maci, why is my shoe in the garbage? -Maci: Oops sorry mom , I thought that was daddy's shoe? -Mom: Maci, why would you want to throw daddy's shoe in the garbage? -Maci: well, because daddy always throws away my things in the garbage so it is only fair that I throw his things away. -Mom- Turn my head and laugh to myself-turn and face Maci. Maci we don't throw any ones shoes in the garbage. Maci scampers off........... OK there is history to this.......... Ryan and Maci are very similar in many ways but this little issue shows where they are VERY different. Ryan is a neat freak and hates clutter, Maci on the other hand is a bit of a pack rat and can't stand to part with any random toy, piece of paper with one scribble on it or even some food wrappers because she says she is using them for a tea party or that they belong to Gaga Nana or Lala ( imaginary friends). At least once a day, Maci nd Ryan have a garbage war, where Ryan runs around the house picking up things he thinks belong in the trash(the whole time threatening her to clean up her stuff), while she runs behind him fishing through the garbage( tears rolling down her cheeks) begging for her "very important piece of ripped paper with a scribble on it" back. It frustrates Ryan to no end. I have told him time and time again that kids come with a little mess and we can't squash her creativity by just junking anything that he doesn't see as serving a direct purpose. When was the last time he set up a tea party with important imaginary friends?? I told Ryan that Maci is going to have some psychological damage from all these wars,I can just see her as a 90 year old women with a classic case of "hoarding" which will all stem from these garbage wars. Just another classic moment in the Clements' home, meg


Laura Leavitt said...

Maci is so funny. ryan would not like our house. I grew up in a home where my Mom threw out EVERYTHING I made. It still bugs me. I am a little extreme the other way. I hang up everything she makes. I have to force myself to throw stuff out everynow and then. I think Maci will be a scrapbooker when she gets bigger.

Unknown said...

I will tell ryan what you said, yes Maci is already carrying some baggage with this issue.

Anonymous said...

Deck the halls with Maci's artwork,falalalala lalalala!Hi to the Clements family from Lesley. I remember a walk that Maci and I took in the Fall. She wanted to save every leaf and pinecone that we saw. What an adorable kid she is!!! I think it's good to have one of those big tupperware boxes just for Maci Treasures. Hands off to Ryan. That way she gets to keep her own little organized mess. As someone who has intimate knowledge of the way "packpeople"(versus rats) work,I can empathize with Ryan. And with my new Feng Shui attitude,I think clutter saps your energy big time. Having her own box of 'creative junk' might work. And by the way...Don't EVER talk about Keg steaks again! I have been drooling all morning. So unfair...Love to all, your "wickedly cluttery but trying to improve" stepmom

Kristy said...

Hilarious!! Sounds a bit like our house...sometimes it is a really good way to get him to obey - threaten to throw away stuff!! After a certain incident a few weeks ago, Lee loaded all of Sam's toys into garbage bags and into the trunk of his car - Every week if he is good he gets one bag back. Poor kid! I must say - it is one of the only things that work.

Laura Leavitt said...

you are so due for another post!!