Saturday, November 11, 2006

Back to Normal

Hello friends, family, random surfers and spies this is my first effort at blogging, I am not sure if it will become a habit or a passing phase for me but time will tell. So our life is truly getting back to normal after a summer of craziness and every range of emotion imaginable. I will tell those who don't already know that our darling little boy, Cohen Mark Clements was born on May 31, 2006 in Montreal and had numerous health problems, the main one being severe infant hypoglycemia, to the point that he was having to be fed every 2-3 hours to keep his blood sugar from going to low. He was hospitalized for the first 3 months of his life as a result.I know most of you know his story and quite frankly I am not in the mood to go into details as it is a memory I don't like to dig up too often, we are thriiled to report that he has been home for 2 months now and coming home was his best medicine. He is growing like crazy( a little too much growing- he is 20 pds and only 5 months old yikes!!. He is developmentally on par with other kids his age and is a happy and peaceful little soul, some have called him on "old soul" and I tend to agree. Maci is almost 3 and a half and is an inquisitive, smart and stubborn(hmm I wonder where she gets that from) little girl. She is in preschool and just eats it up.She is learning about so many fun little things like dinosours and ladybugs. The other day she came home from school and told me in such a simple and darling way her understanding of what happened to the dinosours when they got "eggsticnt" she told me very matter of factly that the sun got too hot and melted all of their food and then they all starved. In her little 3 year old world, she was able to put to rest a mystery that has plagued generations of scientist and scholars alike. She is so in touch with her little emotions, the other day we were driving and I heard her starting to whimper in the back seat, I asked what was wrong and I looked back. She had her perfect upside down U shaped frown, and she said mom I think I am going to cry becuase this song is so beautiful, it was the song" a whole new world " from Aladdin and one more cute thing, tonight in her night time prayers she thanked all the nice soldiers for protecting us( today is Nov 11th). I know I sound like a bragging mom but my kids and ryan are the best thing that ever happened to me. Ryan is in his last of law school and then we are off to Toronto to start his articling year at a big corporate firm on Bay st.( Davies, Ward ,Phillips, and Vineburg). We will be moving out there in May. I am on mat. leave from my job as a crisis worker with Alberta Children's Services, I work a little here and there just to keep my foot in the ever revolving and evolving field of social work.My days are filled with the regular mom duties, spa lady to work out, volunteering once a week at Maci's school, reading - I have been into political non fiction- mainly autobiographies/biographies of women who have been right in the middle of political unrest. I just finished a book," Left to Tell " by Immaculee Ilibagiza a survivor of the 1993-94 Rwandan holocaust, mass genocide of the Tutsi people,probably the most disturbing yet beautiful book I have ever read. We have a great group of friends here who we do stuff with once in a while and lots of family stuff too. Wow, anazing what you can get accomplishe when the kids are in bed!!!!!!!! Tonight Ryan and I got take out from OPM-Asian Infusion and had quite yummy food, don't know why I shared that but oh well. anyway, I would love to hear from you guys and feel free to share any ideas for our blog or anything really. love from Meghann Clements

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HI Ang
thanks for your contributions, they aer great and give us alot to think about. WHere are you guys now??