Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Random little tidbits

So before I get into my latest Maci story, I must say that I have been plagued by a case of blogger apathy. I just haven't been into it this week. Cohen has been extremely cranky this week and tired( 6 month growth spurt) and we have been busy with other random things) anyway I will try to be better.My sister in law, Kristen Holst had a baby boy last Tuesday, the 21st and he was 10pds 4 oz!!!! Yikes. She is a super star!! She had to have him by csection after a long day of labour. So that makes us 3 for 3, myself and my two Clements sister in laws all had baby boys this year and all had C-sections( the other 2 were breeches). Ok. I just have to add that last night we went to the Keg for our friend, Brandy Palmer's bday. I had the YUMMIEST dish I think I have ever had. It was a steak(medium rare)mix between a rib eye and Fillet Mignon, with heaping scoops of fresh crab meat on top, all cooked in a mushroom sauce and then veggies like asparagus, peppers ,mushrooms...of it was to die for!!!!. Anyway, that's my weekly update. Love to hear what anyone is up to, anything cool??


Laura Leavitt said...

Your food sounds so good. I love steak.

Kristy said...

How is Cohen? I assume he doesn't have Chicken Pox? Reading your post I am suddenly hungry.

Unknown said...

Cohen is a crank pot, he has this new thing before his afternoon nap where he absolutlely has to have a complete meltdown and iwll fall asleep only after he has cryed so hard he can't keep his eyes open a moment longer. I hope it is just a phase.
On the good side , he is sleeping 10-11 hours straight only thing is that he goes to bed betwenn 5-6pm and then wakes up at 304 am and thinks he is awake for the day.