Monday, November 20, 2006

Sharp Move Meghann !!!! Someone please help me feel not so ridiculous and tell me about some classic mishaps you have been responsible for

So Ryan thinks I need to put this on the blog because it was such a classic and ridiculous Meghann thing to do.... So today was just a regular day like any other, Maci running around the house inviting everyone to her tea party, Cohen amused by everything she was doing, Ryan studying, I had just got back from working out and was getting the family out the door to Maci's hair cut. I was running out of time and trying to do too many things at once. I noticed Maci's fly was undone as she was standing by the coffee table, so WITHOUT THINKING, I sat down on our Glass coffee table to do up her pants, about 1/2 a second went by before I felt myself plummeting toward the ground surrounded by shards of glass everywhere. I landed on my bum in the middle of what once was our coffee table with my legs dangling over the edge. What shocks me the most is that although there were hundreds of shards and jagged pieces of glass surrounding me, I did not get one scrape!!! Maci watched the whole thing with wide and amused eyes and began to tell me how if Daddy wouldn't have been home to help me, she would have called 911. The funny thing about that coffee table is that I always regretted buying it because duhhh , you shouldn't have glass tables around little kids,ha the joke was on me. In almost 4 years I have never thought to sit on that table, the glass is held up with 4 little things about 1 inch long. The other thing that really creeps me out is that Cohen is often on a blanket on the floor by the table luckily he happened to be napping already in his car seat. So we clean up the mess and head out to our appt, Me and the kids then go visit a friend in Sherwood Park, and then go pick up Ryan at Chapters(studying) and then go to Costco. When we get home, we are putting kids to bed and Maci starts picking at my pants in the upper thigh area, I look down to see this gigantic hole in my pants. I walked around all day with the huge hole, people probably found it quite amusing I am sure. The other crazy thing is that the glass ripped my pants but did not cut my skin!! Anyway, it was such a ridiculous moment I thought you all could find some humour in it. I also believe if you can't laugh at yourself then you are in for a long boring life. Meg


Laura Leavitt said...

I am sorry. It is funny at the same time though. I have sat on glass before and had to go to emerge to have them take it ou tof my butt.someone broke a picture frame and left the glass on the couch and I didn't see it adn plooped down on the coudh while holding Chantel and talking on the phone. It was not fun. Your story totally reminds me of something that I would do. You are not alone.

Kristy said...

Classic. Totally something I would do. I've been thinking that we should all post our most embarassing moments. Not only is it good to laugh at yourself, I think it is important to allow others to laugh at you!
My clumsiest move ever was when I did a face plant in the middle of the primary presentation as a teacher of the 4-5 yr olds. It was awful. There was a collective gasp from the congregation and when I got up every person was looking at me - except for one person, Lee, who wanted to pretend it didn't happen (for my sake). The worst part is that I had to remain sitting on the stand for the entire sacrament meeting looking somewhat composed. I wanted to shrivel up and die. Needless to say, I ran out of the chapel after it ended and drove home as fast as safely possible. This was 7 years ago. I can now laugh at it.

Laura Leavitt said...

That is awful Kristy. I felt embarrased just reading it. These moments are so funny though. It is great when you can look back and have a good laugh.I re-read mine and have to say I plopped down, not plooped down. I usually write with Dallin on my lap.I am glad I am not the only one who does clumbsy things. I think I just might do it more frequent then most.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comfort ladies. It is bad enough that we have to go buy a new coffee table but the part I am the MOST horrified about is that I walked around all day with that giant hole and never noticed. What a fool!!!

Kristy said...

I must say - the hole in the pants is my favorite part of the story!! I also like that Maci would've called 911. What would you have done if Ryan hadn't been there?? Husbands are good to have around. I was once cooking chicken in a glass 9x13 pan, and I poured some water in it and it totally exploded all over the kitchen. Sam was crawling. Well, I took Sam into the bedroom while my dear husband cleaned it all up! Thanks Lee!

Laura Leavitt said...

I agree-the hole in the pants is good. I hope they were not your favorite pants. did you feel a draft?I am just kidding-you don't have to answer that.

Unknown said...

They were infact my favorite pants, I just got them in Utah for my bday( and my most expensive ones too) grrrrrr. I am not so happy about that, and I didn't feel a draft, shows how out to lunch I must of been all day!!!

Unknown said...

Meg, ONE of my most embarassing moments would have to be when I was playing baseball years ago and was running from 2nd to 3rd (in my tearaway track pants)...while running, my thumbs caught in both sides and I whipped open my pants! Then immediately fell to my I did! I sat b/w 2nd and 3rd with my baseball jersey pulled down as much as possible while waiting for someone from my team to come and help me -which actually took a few minutes as everyone was too busy laughing at me! The worst part?...the other team tagged me out!!!! You'd think they could have at least given me the base!