Sunday, December 10, 2006

more random thoughts and news

So here I am again, sunday evening, both kids asleep YEAH!!!!!!!!!! I thought I would sit down and update my blog that I have been slacking on lately. So Ryan is in the thick of finals, which always proves to be a interesting time around our house( that's all I will say on that subject=)!! We are going home to southern AB on the 19th and spening half the time with my dad and Lesley and the other half with Ryan's family. On the 27th, we are flying to Orlando Florida to be with my mom and Joe. We will be going to a beach house in St. Augestine and then to Orlando. Maci will get the whole Disny World experience which she is already driving me crazy about. I hear the lines are preaty horrible there but I don't think Cinderella's castle and spinning tea cups and dumbo rides are what they are talking about when you have to wait so I am sure we will be fine. My mom ,Maci and I will then fly to Memphis Tenn, for 2 days to see my sister, Bronwyn in Peter Pan. She is playing Wendy in a community theater production she is working for and then back to Florida again. It should be a busy holiday but a fun one. Cohen is such a little joy and SUCH a Mama's boy. Ryan laughs at him cause if I am in the same room as Cohen and he hears my voice , he wiggles all over and cranes his neck to find me, and then once he does, he gives me about a 5 second window of time to smile at him and if I don't he starts sobbing. His new things is to stroke my face and pull on my nose and lips when I feed him. It is soo cute!!! He is sitting up and rolling around so hopefully a little more physical activity will help him slim down a bit!! I am doing the same old thing, working out is my thing I live for 5 days/week. I have had so much more energy lately and love the break from everyone and everything(mainly KIDS!!!) WE are starting to think about moving to Toronto a bit more seriously now and have just started talking to a realator about listing our house and trying to figure out what part of Toronto we want to go to. Well that's it for now, love to hear from any of ya!! Meg

1 comment:

Laura Leavitt said...

Wow, your Christmas sounds so busy-but it sounds like tons of fun.That is so cool you get to take MAci to Disney world. What a blast that will be. We will be sad to have you gone to Toronto. I totally here you on working out. I live for it too. I love the alone time.