Sunday, November 12, 2006

Feelings-Nothing More Than Feelings

We are learning quickly the Cohen, also known as co co, co co puff, cokie, hokey pokey, toot bum, my man, mr meem beam(maci's name) has real and very sensitive little feelings, and has established a very clear idea of what roles mom and dad play in his life. I found ths out a few days ago when Cohen and I wee working on our animal sounds, everything was going great until I got to the cow sound,I gave him a good old fashioned MOOOOOOOOO in a low and very convincing voice, cause who has ever heard a mooo sound in a high femalish voice. As soon as I did it, his little laughing smile went instantly into a perfect upside down U frown,( a trait both my kids have inherited ) quivering chin and then he began to sob, sob , sob ,sob and sob. It took me a good 10 minutes to calm him down.I learned quickly that Cohen sees his mom as his gentle, high pitched protector who in no way can lower her voice for any reason and must speak to him at all times with a smile plasterd on her face. Later that day we tested it out with Ryan, he mooo'd at him numerous times in a very low voice and Cohen just smiled and laughed, I did it again and he cried really hard again. Here are some pics to show before I moo'd and after I moo'd. I don't tease him about it anymore, cause I don't want to create emotional"issues" .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Meg, this one really made me laugh! Hmmm, I would have offered the whole "oh, boys do that" line that we get so often whenver we talk about our two munchkins...but in our case it's opposite, so again, that old wive's tale does not hold true. There was a time that whenever Trevor or I moo'd for Emma she would go from the happy little giggly girl she is to one who had seen/heard the scariest thing ever! In fact, it was so funny to watch this transition that we just had to get it on video (sadistic parents?? perhaps). However, when Spencer was about the same age we tried it on him..and he giggled in delight. So, who knows, but funny stuff none-the-less! :)