Sunday, April 29, 2007

I just need to Whine

There is nothing profound, amazing or really interesting about this blog, I just need to whine a little. SO Ryan left tonight for Toronto.......won't see him for5 weeks , waaaaahhhh...., single mom for 5 weeks, have to wake up with Cohen every night instead of every other now, sob, sob.... Our house is basically packed but still dumb things left to do(by myself with 2 kids). I'm trying not to feel too down about moving but it is hard. I love my friends, my work, SPA LADY. Just found out my SPA LADY membership won't transfer anymore, grrrr so now I have to pay$100, to get out of my contract. Alberta Health Care is harassing me.....I hate living out of suit cases.... There in nothing to eat in my house, well crappy stuff that there is a reason it was at the back of the cupboard. Maci is having emotional issues with moving and is acting out more than ever.... Don't get me wrong, I am excited for our new adventure it is just a hassle getting to that adventure.. I think I am just tired, so I should go to bed... Don't worry though I really am ok!!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Good luck with the move this week. Sorry Ryan is already may seem daunting but I'm sure these few weeks will fly by. If you need anything in the next couple of days please phone me. Take care, Meghann.