Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My Own Private Easter Egg Hell

So I just wanted to start off by thanking all my family that contributed to my last blog on Grandpa. I really enjoyed hearing some more stories and felt closer to you all through the memories of him.

Nothing really earth shattering going on around here, well except trying to get ready to move across the country. I have packed a whole 1.5 boxes so far and am just procrastinating like crazy!!!

We are going home to my dad's and then Ryan's parents for easter. We are leaving tomorrow and will be back on Monday night. Maci is in full easter mode, just salivating over thoughts of candy and easter eggs. Today was her school easter party and I had the choice opportunity of being the parent helper today.

As I type, looking at my hands, stained with blue food coloring, I am reminded of the pure"gong show" of a day that easter party was. So I was put in charge of running the easter egg colouring station. Each kid brought 4 eggs to colour. We had about 5 buckets with food coloring and water mixture then stickers, sparkly glue, rubber bands and crayons to decorate. Anyways, at 10: 15 am, the class went to gym. Any kids who had not done their eggs stayed with me to dip ad decorate them. Well it turned out that at least 10 kids hadn't done them. So off the teacher goes and I am left with about 10 kids(the kids left over were the ones who didn't want to decorate during class, or the ones that couldn't focus on a task for the life of them) anyways( kids with issues), I have about 15 minutes to get all these kids to dye and decorate their eggs . Do the math=10 distracted 3/4 year olds + 40 eggs + 1 adult(me)+ 15 minutes= PURE BEDLAM.

I felt like I was in a horror movie!!!There were kids smashing their eggs,crying cause they rolled off the table and cracked, throwing them around, others wandering all over the room, little perfectionist girls that wouldn't hurry up and had to colour every last part of their egg. The clock was ticking. Kids whining to me to help them, kids taking other kids eggs, glitter glue spilling, ....I think you get the picture... So I have a confession... I totally squashed some of these little darlings creativity and took matters into my own hands. After trying desperately to keep track of whose eggs were whose, who still had to put stickers on, and failing miserably, I just started taking the eggs from the kids and making them all by myself , I found myself scribbling like a 3 year old would on their eggs and basically doing them for them while they stood there and looked at me like a mad women. I didn't even keep track of whose was whose. I just made sure that at the end, they all had 4 in their basket. By the end I wasn't even using the spoons to dip them, I was just dunking them in with my hand, holding them in the buckets and pulling them out.(hence the stained hands)

I know I sound like a terrible human and would probably not make a very good preschool teacher, but all I kept thinking about was those eager parents who would be looking in their child's little brown paper bag easter baskets and calculating exactly how many eggs there were and if they were decorated up to par.

I wouldn't confess this but it has been bugging me all day, so I am using this as a place to confess my sin of "creativity squashing". I know there are some parents out in Edmonton that are probably bragging up little Tommy's eggs, thinking he has some amazing newly discovered artistic ability, when little do they know that it was made by me.

Anyway, I don't think any of the parents read my blog so I feel I can vent.

Well that is enough for now. SHHHH..........this is our little secret


TinaLaRae said...

I hear you! Pacey got a snow globe kit for her birthday and it took all I had to just let her make what she wanted. In the end she did ask me to help alittle and it turned out nice. But it's hard, I know, to just let them be creative without help!

Unknown said...

Meg, you had me roaring as I read your blog - mainly because I could totally picture the gong show with all those little kids running amok! Gong shows like that make you appreciate the perfect little angel you have right? ;)

Kristy said...

Hilarious!! Hope you had a nice Easter weekend.

Megan said...

This is Megan left a note on my blog a few weeks ago. Thought I would check your blog out. We have one more thing in common...I'm also from Canada! I live in Washington now, but grew up in Calgary. Small world.

Anonymous said...

Hey Meg!
I was laughing out loud reading your easter egg hell! I think I would probably do the same thing. I love the part about your hands being dyed!