Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

Happy holidays to one and all. SO it is Christmas eve and we are in Taber Alberta where Ryan's family lives. Currently the rest of the family is over at Ryan's aunts doing their traditional get together and white elephant game. I Am home with a scik sleeping baby, enjoying some peace and quiet that has been hard to find these last couple days. COhen has som enasty cold,chest cough and has had it for about 2 weeks. He was so tired to day that he went to sleep at 4 30 and hasn't woken it up and it is now 7 30. He may be down for the night. Maci is flying around like a bat out of hell, no really she is very cute and is soooo excited she can barely stand it. I just finished hiding her present from the "snowman" is the freezer. Ever since I was a little girl the "snow man" has come and brought us pj's on christmas eve. I even went so far as going out to the little pile of old dirty snow in the back yard, almost freezing my fingers off and dug some snow out and put it in a zip lock baggie and also put it in the freezer with the presents,just for proof that the snowman was really here. She is just soo beleiving right now.. Maci tried to quote the peter pan quote about every time some one says they don't believe in fairies, a fairy dies but instead she said" every time someone says they don't believe in fairies, a fairy kills itself" right mom?? I had to correct that fairies don't commit suicide. The other day she was wondering who she was going to marry and she told me that first she had to grow her husband in her tummy. Anyway, just thought I would check in as it has been a while. We are off to Florida on Wednesday!!. love meg

1 comment:

Laura Leavitt said...

Sounds like you guys are having tons of fun. I hope you have a safe trip home. I bet Maci is going to love Disney World!!