Sunday, December 10, 2006

Another Maci moment

just a quickie.... yesterday my cuz, Lyndsi and her hubby Bryce and their kids stooped over for a visit. They have a new baby girl and a 2 yr old boy. Maci was bugging Braxton( 2 year old) to go on a treasure hunt with her and he didn't want to, he was actually confused as to what she was asking him to do. So I said, Maci I don't think he understands what you want him to do and she goes " of course he doesn't mom, he is still a toddler". We were like OK..... She is barely 1 year older then him but has somehow decided that she is not a toddler any more... Not sure when that decision was made in her little brain? Love those moments..........


Laura Leavitt said...

Maci seriously is a crack up. she says the funniest things.

Unknown said...

meg, that reminds me of something emma said today when she was playing on some ice on our driveway...i told her to be careful and she tells me "mommy, i'm 3 and 3 year olds know how to be safe!". she said that 1 year olds do not know how to be safe (aka; her brother spencer) and she wasn't sure if 2 year olds knew how to be safe or not! hee hee

Anonymous said...

hi meg,
i was talking to lynds yesterday and she said you had a post about brax and maci on your blog so i decided to check it out. It's pretty great actually. maci is such a crack up! if you have a chance, you should stop by and visit on your way down south.
talk to you soon