Monday, January 08, 2007


HI everyone so we are home from our crazy holiday. We left to southern ab on the 18th and then Ont he 27th we flew to orlando. We first went to St.Augestine, Fla and rented a beach house with some family friends for a few days. We were literally right on the ocean, you could hear the waves all night long. It was soo cool. Maci loved the beach and could have stayed forever. The first morning there, she spent a long time "collecting nature" as she calls it by picking shells, and clumps of sand.Maci, my mom and I then flew to Memphis on the 30th for 2 days to see my sister. We spent new years eve watching my sis in Peter Pan and her theatre company had a gala for the children that we went to after. We then went back to Florida and did the whole disney world thing... a whole other blog in itself... but Maci loved it and met all her adored Disney characters. We come home on the 5th( 16 hours of travelling!!!! Since we have been home, both kids have been waking up at 4 30 am( due to the time change. ) and Cohen decided to cut his first tooth last night and woke up every hour crying and chomping his fingers and crying, so due to major lack of sleep I have been a barall of laughs to be around, just ask Ryan..........Anyway, I have some pics of Maci with the Disney princesses that she loves so much that i will put up soon Ta ta for now, get some sleep for me... meg


Kristy said...

I'm glad you made it back safe. Sounds like you all had fun. I am right there with you about the teething. The babies have each cut 3 new teeth in the last couple of weeks. I swear they cried the entire Christmas holiday. Hope you get some sleep. Also, gotta love this weather...brrrrr.

Laura Leavitt said...

sounds like fun. I wish we could have seen you guys on Sunday!!!

Unknown said...

hi laura
maci has pink eye so we are stuck in the house for a while, the joys of preschool. How is your new place? New ward etc...?

Laura Leavitt said...

Hey Meg, the new ward is no ttoo bad. I get so nervous to go start a new ward. I think it will be ok. There is one other girl in sunbeams with Chantel. How did Maci like Sunbeams? I hope her eye gets better!! Laura

Unknown said...

maci loves sunbeams, she thinks she is soo important. Her eye is ok now, she can finally go to school again!!
she has major cabin fever.

Laura Leavitt said...

question for you- I have been meaning to ask you for so long-what do you use on Maci's face for a lotion. Her skin is always so nice. Chantels gets so dry and I feel like I have tried everything. Laura

Unknown said...

funny you ask cause I actually don't use anything regularly, sometimes if it is a little dry I will put my stuff on her. I use a clinique face lotion"thirst quencher" or something like that. It is pink in a clear tub thingy. I have found that Lansinoh is good for dry patches. Make sure she is well hydrated.