Monday, January 22, 2007

Those silly Ears

This is just a quick one because I feel like complaining. BOTH MY KIDS HAVE EAR INFECTIONS UGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so annoyed. We have had non stop colds in our house all month and this is the product of it.( no to mention I have a nasty cold right now too)I took Maci to the Dr. this morning after spending another sleepless night with her as she went in and out of fevers, crying that she was freezing, snotty nose etc... Sure enough she had an EI. I took Cohen into the Dr's last friday after his eyes started to get goopy. I thought it was pink eye but his wise doctor said I bet it is an EI and sure enough it was. Cohen's was really bad and Maci's was just getting started. The funny thing about Cohen is that he wasn't fussy at all through the whole thing. What a little champ, or he is so use to feeling like crap he thinks it is normal?? Anyways, so they both have their little matching bottles of Banana flavoured antibiotics in the fridge.What a fun life we have right now. Sorry for whining I think I am just perpetually sleep deprived... One more thing... As I sit here and whine and complain, Maci and Cohen as the same cheery little people, and they are the ones who should be the grouchiest but here I am being grouchy for them......... They never cease to teach me quality lessons. I love them sooo.... Meg


Kristy said...

Are the ears better? We are all fighting a very mild cold. We haven't been sick for a couple months so I guess it is our turn. I registered Sam at Keheewin, but he could be bussed to Steinhauer which would be nice. We'll see. Do you dream of a full night sleep??

Unknown said...

they are both doing ok, they still have to finish the 10 days of antibiotics though. Sleep, what is that????

Kristy said...

Did you guys sell your place? I saw a Rennaye Miller sign. Did it say sold??

Unknown said...

No we are just starting to list it, oficially on the 31st. She is a great agent.You must have been out last night cause she just put it up last night.