Saturday, February 17, 2007

Kid Free!!!!!!

So Ryan and I sent our 2 little ones on a week holiday to Magrath and Taber. They will spend half the time with my family and then the other with Ryan's family. We drove to Calgary yesterday and dropped them off. It felt so weird driving away in our quite little van with no carseats. It is 6 30 am and I woke up and can't get back to sleep cause my body is sooo trained it doens't know what to do. These are all the things we are doing 1.Going to the temple 2. I am working till 6 till midnight tonight- I love my work and so it is a treat to do it. 3. Working out everyday for as long as I want. 4. Going out to eat at the Hardware Grill on Monday night( late Valentines dinner) 5. Going to the movies(haven't been to one since Cohen was born) 6. Going to get my hair done 7. Going to try to sleep more 8. Take a crap load of kids clothes to consignment 9.Go shopping 10. start some packing in my basement 11.READ READ READ whenever I want 12. Going to clean my house and watch it stay clean YEAH!!!!!!! Anyways those are just a few highlights of our week. Don't get me wrong I adore my little squirts and I already miss them but am excited to spend some time with Ryan and do whatever I want whenever I want. Plus their grandparents were super excited to have them and since we are moving so far away, I wanted them to get some quality time with them.. Anyway, off to read and then go back to bed.................. Meg


Unknown said...

Ah, so basically a week of paradise! I totally hear what you're saying about doing what you want when you want...funny how that was all taken for granted before kids and now it's time you absolutely cherish :) You may have been up early today, but that just means you get to enjoy more of your time!...and time to sneak in a nap if you like :)

Unknown said...

I did sneak a nap in and it was fabulous! Maci is ecited for the playdate and has been talking about it already.

Kristy said...

Enjoy. You deserve it.

Laura Leavitt said...

that sounds nice- I almost think that I would no tknow what to do with myself. Have a nice relaxing time.