Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just Randomness

Nothing major to report. Our kids came home last Wednesday night from their trip down south. Cohen got sick AGAIN!!! He had a nasty cold, croup thing going on, we had to take him into the hospital at 3 in the morning when they got home cause he was having trouble breathing. They gave him a nebulizer( mask he has to breath in which puffs out steroid fumes) , suppose to open up his airway. HE HATED IT AND SCREAMED THE ENTIRE TIME. Then I took him back the next night as he was puking, high fever and all that stuff, thought he had another ear infection and he did but not bad enough to medicate. HE is fine now so we will just hope he stays healthy for a while this time!! I chopped almost all my hair off, super short, , too short to make a pony tail short. With my curl, I just have to put a little gel in , scrunch it and go, it is quite easy and I have gotten lots of compliments so that makes me feel better about my decision. I learned a lesson that day though, always ask how much it will all cost before you start, I didn't and learned the hard way. My highlight were $140, my cut was $70, I got some products and after tip, we were looking at a whopping $297. I had to put on my poker face as I paid and then spent the rest of the day justifying to myself how I could have spent that much. Here were some of my justifications!! 1. I worked last week 2. We had just got the $200 from the fed govt for the Universal Day Care subsidy 3. We had just sold our house 4. I hadn't had a cut in 1 year so I would have spent around this much if I had it cut every couple months like most do and on and on.... It is amazing how fast I came up with all these rationals... Anyway, so kids are home now. We have had to do some deprogramming with Maci, she is loved and adored here as well but she has been testing our authority a bit and we have had to get her back into her own routine. She is coming along though. Ryan was nominated to for Valedictorian of his Law Class, we will find out in a few day is he is.He has worked so hard in law school and really deserves it. Ryan is off to Spokane/Couer d'Laine for a conference with one of his profs, he wrote a big paper for it on the Mad Cow crisis_ it is a legal/international trade) conference full of lawyers/economists and his and his prof will be co presenting his paper. The law school is funding the whole trip too!!! So I will be alone with the kiddies from this Thursday till Sunday. YIKES!!!!! Anyways, I need to go work out this morning before we do the preschool thing so I am gonna take off........ meg


Laura Leavitt said...

you have to post a picture of your hair- I REALLY want to see it. I hope Cohen gets feelign better. That is too bad. Don't sweat the money on your hair-you deserve to treat yourself. Congrats to Ryan for being nominated. I hope he wins.

Unknown said...

i will put up a pic soon. Cohen is already doing better.I loved your 100 list, i have been meaning to start it but I don't ever seem to have uninteruppted time now. I will maybe do a few at a time.

TinaLaRae said...

Meghannn, it's Tina (Morton), I just started up my own blog and was reading on some of my cousins and I noticed a Ryan and Meghann on their links, clicked it and here I am on your blog. You can check our blog out at: www.hallhallhall.blogspot.com
I would love to add you to my links if that is ok, let me know!
Getting your hair cut can be a big deal but it always grows back! I bet you look great!

Unknown said...

hey nice to hear from you!! Of course you can add us to you link, can I do the same with yours??
I will check out your blog.
Thanks for getting in touch!

Unknown said...

Meg, I've seen your hair and it DOES look great - I think I forgot to tell you on our play date--there was so much to catch up on :) Ya, funny how hair cut costs can quickly add up, but it's true...when you have longer hair you end up cutting it less...hence you save up all that money to do something really fun with hair all in one shot!

Kristy said...

I think I saw the back of your new haircut on Sunday. I wasn't sure if it was you!! So short. I am sure it looks great. Of course add me to your link list. I will add you to mine (I just started one). Maci told me at church on Sunday that Cohen had been sick for "eleven days"! Glad he's doing better. I cannot wait for spring so all the bugs will stop getting passed around like crazy! I am with you about paying so much for haircuts. I only do it about 3 times every 2 years, so as it turns out, Lee pays more than I do. Good luck on Valedictorian, Ryan. Oh and love the pink blog.

Unknown said...

thanks for making me feel justified in my spontaneous splurge.
Oh ya,maci got Emma's card yesterday and she loved getting mail,she is planning on making and sending something back this weekend.