So once in a while I get on little kicks. It all started on a bitterly cold and depressing Tuesday night last week. It was one of those days where it is too cold to leave the house with the kids and Ryan was at school ALL DAY. By the time he got home, the house was a bomb, the kids were crazy and I had cabin fever and just needed some time to myself. So as soon as the kids were in bed I darted out the door and went to Indigo(book store). I went and first treated myself to a Hot Carmel Apple Cider with whip cream YUM!!!! Ad then I began browsing, reading lots of backs of books when I cam across one called"Plain Truth" by Jodi Picoult.
So I read the back and thought this sounded amazing, so I bought it and devoured it in like 2 days.
It was the story of an 18 year old Amish girl in Paradise PA. She got preggo out of wedlock and had the baby in her families barn all alone and then the baby died. She is accused of murder and the whole book is her life before and during the trial.Her defense lawyer ends up being a distant relative, a big time lawyer from Philly. In order for this girl, Katie to be let out on bail this lawyer ends up having to "guard" her from the time she is let out till the trial which ends up being a couple months. So her lawyer comes and lives with her at her Amish farm. So we get to see her cultural shock and then slow adaptation the their way of life. It is romantic, mysterious, funny, and the end has a TOTAL TWIST. It is a great comparison of the American Justice and the Traditional Amish Justice System. I really learned alot about the Amish way of life and really how if our western society took a bit more of their values and beliefs and worked them into our mainstream, we may be a bit better off.
Anyway there is lots more too the book but I don't wait to spoil it in case any of you want to read it. So now I have started on her next two books. " Perfect Match" and "Vanishing Act"
Her website is www. jodipicoult.com.
She has like 13 books out and they all look amazing. I am soo pumped to read them all and can't believe I hadn't heard of her till last week. I will put her website in my list of links.
Has anyone heard of her already or read her books?? Let me know.........
megs, if your interested in more amish information check out "The Devil's Playground" it's a documentary about rumspringa, when amish kids get to go a little crazy before deciding whether or not to join their church.
those sound really good. I love to read. I will have to check tehm out.
the author actually talked about
rumspringa in the book. I will definately check it out, thanks bro.. love ya
maybe I need to start managing my time better so that I can read again!! I am really intrigued about "Plain Truth". I have a stack of about 10 books on my night stand that I have yet to crack...Maybe today is the day. I am craving a good book and Lee is on call! Thanks for the inspiration to take back my life (at least in that small way)
I hope you do find time, it is amazing what it does for the tired soul of a mama, such a good escape. It would be fun to start an online book club or something.
On very strange note, if you want to read more Jodi Picoult she's about to start writing the Wonder Woman comic book on a monthly basis.
Thanks Meghann I am so glad i read your blog. My grandpa was raised Amish but while he was on his devil's dance or rumspringa he met my grandma and they got married and he was shunned from his family so we have amish ancestors but don't really know too much about them. I am very excited to read this book and learn more about their way of life.
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