Friday, January 26, 2007

Another Hectic Day(picture taken with our cell phone)

Well the last 24 hours feels like a tornado went brain.... Starting with last evening. Our Realtor came over at 7pm to take pictures of our home to put up on the listing service. So in order to do that, there was a ton of deep cleaning, decluttering and ( shhh... hiding things in closed closets) to make our home look like it isn't actually lived in and just ready for show at any moment of the day. So yesterday all afternoon I was cleaning my butt off in between preschool and Cohen's nap schedule. Our Realtor came last night, ( she is wonderful, if any one is looking for one), we did the pics......... I will post them soon, we put up a for sale sign, although we aren't technically listing till Jan 31st. This morning we woke up, scrambled around (our typical morning Gong show, is anyone else's mornings gong showish if you are trying to get out the door by 9 or earlier?)We drove Maci to preschool for 9 30, then I dropped Ryan off at school at about 9 45 and then Cohen had a physio appt at U of A hospital at 10 15 am. He got his first cast off his toes(we are trying to straighten his right toes that are a little gimpy from sitting breech) and put a new one on. I got done there at 11 20 ish, drove to Maci's school and got there with 20 minutes to kill so I decide to go to the DQ down the street to get a blizzard cause I felt I had earned it for my hard work. Ok this is a bit embarrassing but I will tell anyway, so I order my blizzard in the drive through . I then notice two cars ahead of me,I look at the clock and then like 5 minutes pass and no one has moved. I then get panicky that I am going to be late my picking up Maci so I reverse out of the Drive through and take off without my blizzard. I am sure the DQ staff think I am a wing nut, or the lady I ordered from may think she is losing her mind.
So I pick up Maci, get home at 12 30 ish, make lunch and then we are out the door by 1 45 for Maci's 3 year old annual check up with Dr. Mcgonigle. We meet Ryan at the Dr's office since it is at U of A campus and then we go and wash the van.
Then we decide to reward Maci for being brave during her flu shot by going to the Panda Bear Express restaurant that has an indoor playground.
So Maci goes in the playground and this little girl comes in. They instantly start playing together.The little girl is with a older man, maybe a dad or grandpa.. Anyway when it is time to leave, Maci said " I wonder where her mom is? Maybe at home with the baby or maybe she is an ORPHAN!!" Then Ryan said, "no, no,no she is not an orphan" and then Maci whispered,"No I think she is an orphan". Luckily the man didn't hear her.
Maci loves the movie "Annie" and must have got it from that.
So we return home after our hectic day and now the kids are both in bed and I find myself staring at about 5 loads of laundry yuck!!!
Ok so I just returned from a 20 minute break. You see, about 20 minutes ago, I told Ryan I needed to go to the bathroom so I went upstairs. The moment I get upstairs, the door bell rings. It was a little old asian man. He was an "urban missionary" and wanted to conduct a spiritual survey with me. Me being the empathetic soul that I am, let him in out of the cold and answered his 9 questions on spirituality. After the survey we were chatting about some basic christian principlas and Ryan comes running up the stairs and upon seeing the old man says
"sorry we are not interested" so basically take a hike without even inquiring as to why he was here. I told Ryan to not worry as he is not selling anything and sent him (ryan ) away quickly. I then apologized to him and he said not to worry as it happens all the time.
After he left, Ryan said he thought he was rescuing me as he thought I was just being nice( I kinda was) .
So anyway I had some more deep thoughts but I am suddenly tired and not feeling very verbose anymore so I will save those thoughts for another time.
Anyways good night to all my fellow blogger buddies and anyone else who comes across this page....

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