Monday, November 13, 2006

Book Ideas Anyone

Hi everyobody something else I wish to add to our blog is a list of recommended reading. I often go into the bookstores looking for a good book but end up leaving somewhat frustrated b/c I have spent the last hour reading the backs of a bunch of diff books, wondering if it is really worth my time. So I would like your recommendations on any books you have recently read that you would suggest. Don't tell me what I can already read on the back cover, tell me why it is worth one's time.


Anonymous said...

kite runner is terrific

Unknown said...

yes, kite runner is terrific,.already read it

Anonymous said...

A Complicated Kindness - a story about a teenaged girl in Canadian prairie Mennonite town. It's a wonderful tale of her trying to come to terms with the many dysfunctions and love around her. Highly recommended.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time: A story told from the perspective of an autistic teen boy. Again, a beautiful tale of this boy trying to make sense of the adult relationships around him.

Anything Margaret Atwood

Love Shakti

Unknown said...

Hi Shakti
Funny, I have also read " A complicated Kindness".Great minds think alike.

Unknown said...

Another one I just finished was"The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. A young girl is murdered at the beginning of the book and the rest of the book is told from her perspective"in her own heaven" watching her family grieve and try to come to terms with her death. Also her own "coming to terms" with her new existence and learning to be at peace with it.

Anonymous said...

"Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, & War"

"Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors"

"The Children's Blizzard"

"The Marriage of Heaven & Hell"

"The Seven Deadly Sins: Jewish, Christian, & Classical Reflections on Human Psychology"

"Chemistry: The Central Science"

"The Complete Peanuts: 1950-1952" by Charles M Schulz

Unknown said...

thanks for the info, funny I have also read"When Rabitt Howls"It was in High school though so I may want to revisit it, especially since so many of the kids I work with are also incest survivors.

Steinbeezie said...

If you want some great fiction

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon (and pretty much everything else by him)

and Fool on the Hill by Matt Ruff
these are two of my absolute favorite books.

I also just read a great book on Genghis Khan and how the Mongol Empire laid the foundation for the modern world.

Also if you haven't read The Red Tent you should. It's incredible